1. I want to be strong, but show them it’s okay to be sad or hurt or broken hearted and that it’s always okay to cry.
2. I want to be encouraging and show them I see their beauty and worth, even when they can’t see it for themselves.
3. I want to be joyous and give them a heart for celebrations and an eye for picking out tiny moments that are actually so huge.
4. I want to have loving arms that are never too busy for a warm embrace or to pick them up when they have forgotten who they are and the love that surrounds them.
5. I want them to teach me to see the world through their eyes and never forget my vision isn’t always the clearest.
6. I want to love and respect their daddy and make sure they grow up seeing us have fun together and know that marriage is an amazing gift to be treasured.
7. I want to give of myself when I’m too tired to give anymore – so that one day they will do that for their babies.
8. I want show them how to have a heart for others and to never think they are better than someone else.
9. I want to respect them while they are children…and when they become adults.
10. I want to hold them so tight…but gracefully let them go when it's time.
Verna, I just wrote a blog and then i read yours. Wow, wait to make me cry. i guess i need to really pay attention to that number 10 you wrote up there. :) I guess it is time in a way for me to let go. I hope I can summon up some grace. :0